This page will tell you how to book your appointment and explain the types of appointments you can book.
If you want to understand what your appointment will involve and if you’re eligible, visit our Pension Wise welcome page.
Have your appointment by phone
The easiest and quickest way for most people is to book online, but you can also book by phone.
The next page will allow you to select a date and time:
If you’re outside the UK, call +44 20 3733 3495
Call between 8.00am and 6.30pm, Monday to Friday.
Have your appointment face-to-face
There are only a limited number of face-to-face appointments, which can mean longer wait times. It’s best to book in for a face-to-face appointment if you have an accessibility requirement that means a telephone appointment isn’t suitable.
Call to book a face-to-face appointment on 0800 138 1585
If you’re outside the UK, call +44 20 3733 3495
Call between 8.00am and 6.30pm, Monday to Friday.
If a face-to-face or phone appointment isn’t suitable, you can use our free online tool to understand the different ways you can take money from your pension pot.
Attend on behalf of a family member or friend
Would you like to discuss the pension options of a family member, friend or someone else? Then we’ll need to get verbal or written consent from the person whose pension payments will be discussed.
If you have a power of attorney covering property and financial affairs, we’ll ask for a copy – this is to meet data protection requirements.
Get a British Sign Language interpreter
We can provide a British Sign Language interpreter appointment by video, depending on your needs.
Complete the form to request an appointment and we’ll contact you within 2 working days.