Looking after a family member who has a disability, illness, mental health condition, or drug or alcohol problem can be a huge commitment. Fortunately, there’s financial support available, and support services to help share the load.
What tasks do young carers do?
You might find yourself helping a family member by:
- carrying out tasks around the home, such as cleaning
- cooking meals
- helping with physical tasks, such as moving around, bathing or getting dressed in the morning.
That can be difficult enough. But you might also find yourself managing your family’s money, or having to give up college or university to pay for the care they need.
What financial support is available for young carers?
The government offers two kinds of financial support for young carers.
Top tip
Before applying for Carer’s Allowance, it’s a good idea to check with the person you’re caring for, as it might affect their benefit payments.
Carer’s Allowance is paid at a standard rate of £67.60 (2021/22) a week.
You're entitled to Carer’s Allowance if:
- you’re aged 16 or over
- you satisfy UK presence and residence rules
- you spend at least 35 hours a week caring for someone
- you aren’t in either full-time education or earning more than £128 (2021/22) a week net. This means £128 after paying tax, National Insurance and certain other deductions.
Find out more, including UK presence and residence rules, eligibility and how to apply for Carer’s Allowance, on the GOV.UK website
If you live in Scotland, carers will also get two supplementary payments of £231.40 (2021/22) a year.
On top of this, you’ll also get an extra Coronavirus Carer’s Allowance Supplement payment at the end of June 2020. You don’t need to do anything to get this extra payment and carers who qualify will get at least £460.20.
Find out more on the mygov.scot website
Carer premium is an extra payment of up to £37.70 (2021/22) a week.
It can sometimes be added into the calculation of other benefits you might get on top of your Carer’s Allowance. These can include:
- Income Support
- income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
- income related Employment and Support Allowance
- Housing Benefit
- Council Tax Reduction (Rate Relief in Northern Ireland).
The carer element is an equivalent amount paid with Universal Credit (young carers aged 16+ can apply for Universal Credit).
If you already get any of these benefits, it’s important to let the relevant benefits office know that you’ve been awarded Carer’s Allowance. This is so they can add the carer premium to your payment.
You’ll find their contact details on any letters they’ve sent you.
If you have only just heard about carer premium and already get Carer’s Allowance, benefit payments can sometimes be backdated.
These benefits are means tested, so whether you qualify will depend on your income and savings.
Find out more in our guide Benefits you can claim as a carer
Young Carer Grant (Scotland only)
If you live in Scotland you might be able to get an extra yearly payment of £308.15 if:
- you’re aged between 16 and 18
- care for between one and three people for an average of 16 hours a week, and have been for at least the past three months.
Find out more about the Young Carer Grant on the mygov.scot website
Other types of support for young carers
Did you know?
Campaign group, the Carers Trust, believes as many as 700,000 children and young people are caring for family members in the UK.
There are lots of other types of financial and practical support available to young carers. But you’ll need to have a carer’s assessment first.
This is a chance for you to chat with a social worker and tell them what help you need with your caring.
If you’re under 16, you can ask for a carer’s assessment the next time the person you’re looking after is having their own assessment.
If you’re over 16, you can ask your local council to carry out an assessment at any time.
Find your local council on the GOV.UK website
How to apply for a carer’s assessment
If you’re in England, Wales or Scotland, you’ll need to speak to the social services department of the local council responsible for the person you’re caring for.
If you’re in Northern Ireland, you’ll need to speak to the Health and Social Care Trust of the person you’re caring for.
Who else can help?
Did you know?
For help finding local support, you can speak to a Carers Direct helpline adviser on 0300 123 1053, or ask a question using their webchat
It’s not easy being a young carer – and money is only one of the challenges. There might be other sources of financial help available from charitable funds.
The Carers Trust might be able to put you in touch with one of these organisations.
Find out more on the Carers Trust website
If you feel your role as a carer is affecting your education and schoolwork, or if it’s making you feel anxious or upset, it’s important to talk to someone about it.
There are plenty of people who’ll be more than happy to listen and help you cope with the responsibilities of being a young carer.
You could start close to home, with a relative or friend who already knows your situation, or even your local doctor.
Then there are organisations that have been set up to offer advice and support to young people, such as:
- National Careers Service
- Skills Development Scotland
- Citizens Advice Bureau
Find out about carers’ services in your area on the NHS Choices website
More information
There are lots of organisation offering help and advice available for young carers on all aspects of caring: