A grant is a financial donation that you don’t have to repay. Many UK charities and trusts provide grants to help with the extra costs of ill health or disability. Find out what grants are available and how to apply.
When to apply for a disability grant
Most charities will expect you to have applied for all the State benefits, local authority support and other help you’re legally entitled to before approaching them for a grant.
So make sure you’ve checked your entitlements. Read our guides below or speak to a benefits or disability adviser to make sure.
Find out more in our guides
Disability and sickness benefits – check your entitlements
Local authority funding for care costs – do you qualify?
Search for a disability grant
Use the Turn2us Grants Search tool
The Turn2us website has a free Search for Grants tool that lets you look for grants based on your circumstances and needs.
Just put in your postcode, your age and sex for a full list. You can then narrow down your results by medical condition or disability.
Use the Grant Search tool on the Turn2us website
Search for a disability grant by category
The Disability Grants website lists the grants that are available by category. This means you can search for grants in equipment, housing or holidays, for example.
Find out more on the Disability Grants website
Search for grants if you’re on a low income
MoneySavingExpert have put together a list of grants, some of which are aimed at disabled adults and children.
Find out more about ‘Grant Grabbing’ on the MoneySavingExpert website
Applying for a disability grant
When you’ve found the grants you want to apply for, contact the awarding bodies and fill in the application forms.
Read the terms and conditions to make sure you fully understand whether you qualify before you apply.
You might need to supply a report from a professional, such as an occupational therapist or a social worker, or to include detailed information about your finances.
If you need help with the paperwork, an advocacy organisation – such as the Older People’s Advocacy Alliance – might be able to help.
Find out more on the Older People’s Advocacy Alliance website
Read tips on applying for a grant on the Scope website
Other grants that might be available
If you can’t find what you’re looking for, it might be worth looking for grants that aren’t just for disabled people.
For example, you could look for grants for people on a low income or for people who live in your area.