When you’re borrowing money, it’s important to understand how much the different options cost and how they work. You also need to know how those costs vary depending on the amount you’re borrowing and for how long.
What’s in this guide
What’s the best credit option for you?
Reason you need to borrow | Consider | Top tips |
I want to buy something on credit and have some flexibility in how I can pay it back |
Credit card |
I have existing debt I want to pay off as cheaply as possible |
Balance transfer or money transfer credit card |
Find out more: |
I want to borrow some money but pay back a fixed amount every month |
Personal loan |
I only want to borrow a small amount of money for a short period |
Overdraft |
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I want to deal with my debts as cheaply and simply as possible |
Debt consolidation loans |
Find out more: |
Where can I get a loan of between £100 and £1,000 if I have a low credit score? |
Credit unions
CDFIs, also known as responsible finance providers, offer fast and flexible credit to those who can afford to repay and usually serve the whole of the UK through online lending. Some will also offer additional services like benefits entitlement checkers and access to money management apps.
Find out more: |
I’m living on benefits and/or struggling to pay my debts and living costs but I can’t get any more credit |
An interest-free loan you pay back from your benefits or help from your local authority (or the Scottish and Welsh governments) |
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